Mary Our Queen Online Soccer Registration
Opens Nov 30, 2019 and will close Jan 25, 2020.
The registration fee is $60.00 per player. The season will begin March 19, 2020 and will end late May 2020.
*If your child is age 5 or 6 and they are in Kindergarten they can play for U6 /U7 CYSL or for Micro.
If you want them to play for Micro please register them using the Micro Spring 2019 Registration - do not use the U6/U15 CSYL registration.
Uniforms can be purchased from Soccer International for the U6/U15 players.
Spring 2020 Online Registration for U6/U15 CYSL League

Micro Spring 2020 Registration: For Ages 4 - 6
The registration fee for micro soccer is $30.
The online registration for Micro will stay open until May 15, 2020.
The registration deadline to guarantee a tee-shirt for Micro is March 20, 2020.
If paying offline, please add $10 processing fee.
The game time will change from 3:00 to 4:00 this season.

For Technical Assistance please Call Affinity Sports 855-859-4586